What's Happening @ WWB ↓

Grid Time

8 Jan
This is our regularly scheduled weekly roleplay for our entire group, which is open to approved characters.  However, we invite visitors to observe from a reasonable distance, especially if you are considering joining!  Please stop by the Brigantia Isles Roleplay group information center at the WWB Roleplay Hub for more visitor's information and landmarks.


9 Jan

Unscripted free form roleplay; open to OOC observers. Medieval or fantasy attire is required. Meet at the Ravenquest Clubhouse on the WWB Roleplay Hub.

Wyldwood Bayou Grid Status

Grid Status: Online
Total Regions: 40
Today visitors: 4
Visitors (30 Days): 76
Total Residents: 90
Online Now: 0
Hypergriders online: 0