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The WWB Roleplay Hub

 Vist us on OSWorld: https://opensimworld.com/hop/83426

The WWB Roleplay Hub was formed to give the Wyldwood Bayou Grid roleplayers a venue to exchange information and set up roleplaying between their groups and other roleplayers on Open Sim grids. Crossgrid roleplay offers the opportunity for roleplayers to connect their stories to those of other groups and gives all of us the whole Hypergrid as a playground.  

The Hub is managed by the two active roleplay groups in Wyldwood Bayou: Ravenquest and Brigantia Isles.

Brigantia Isles comprises the regions of Brigantia, Faery, Murkwood, & Shadow Isle. Ravenquest includes the regions of Taibhreamh, The Darklands, Witchweed Woods & The Shire. Both groups offer primarily Medi/Fantasy roleplay.

The WWB Roleplay Hub offers space to meet, learn about roleplay in the planned classes and shop for roleplay freebies at the Renaissance Faire. An open roleplay market is held occasionally. Hypergrid roleplayers of any persuasion are welcome. Watch for upcoming notices!


Brigantia Isles


30 Jul

Join us for our biweekly "get together", where we chat about anything at all--always fun, occasionally tell stories, and often discuss ideas for roleplay. A great opportunity to meet the Brigantia Isles Roleplay group regulars and our friends, as well as to learn a bit about our medieval/fantasy roleplay if you are interested. *Out of Character Event--medieval attire not required.* Everyone is welcome, new friends & old!

*We've moved to the Brigantia Gathering House @ Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub!!  When you get to the Hub landing, just click the Teleport to the Brigantia Firelight Chat on the Teleporter Board next to the beacon!

wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub


31 Jul
This is our regularly scheduled weekly roleplay for our entire group, which is open to approved characters.  However, we invite visitors to observe from a reasonable distance, especially if you are considering joining!  Please stop by the Brigantia Isles Roleplay group information center at the WWB Roleplay Hub for more visitor's information and landmarks.